Electronics connectors have evolved from simple wire-to-wire interface components to those capable of transferring enormous volumes of data required for applications such as video and autonomous driving. Connectors are also being exposed to more demanding environmental conditions such as liquids, noxious gases, extreme temperatures, mechanical shock, and vibration. In order to improve reliability and longevity, many industries including aerospace and automotive have chosen to include flexible thermoplastic gel-pads in designs.
By now, most automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have already ventured into the EV market; therefore, it is no surprise that they are interested in smaller and lighter components to save space and reduce cost, while still boosting power efficiency and increasing vehicle range.
Across the globe, the use of electronics is expected to continue its growth in 2022. Among the countries seeing the highest increase in electronic use is the United States.
Bostik, an Arkema company, is a leading global adhesive specialist in construction, consumer and industrial markets. The Born2Bond™ UV-CIPG range is Bostik’s latest innovation in engineering adhesives and has been designed to replace traditional gaskets in production processes and to accommodate modern demands.
Conformal coatings are applied to printed circuit boards (PCBs) to protect them from environmental stress such as salt, corrosion, humidity, and moisture, mitigate tin whiskers, and provide a barrier to electrically insulate components. They enable design of smaller electrical assemblies, while increasing mechanical support for components, and improving the fatigue life of solder joints.