Electronics connectors have evolved from simple wire-to-wire interface components to those capable of transferring enormous volumes of data required for applications such as video and autonomous driving.
It's 2023; the electronics industry is embracing UV-curable coatings. There are many valid reasons for this, from the desire to reduce/eliminate VOCs, difficulty navigating ever-changing and complex environmental regulations, increasing energy and labor costs as well as the sheer volumes modern assembly lines must increasingly meet.
Autoclave Resistant Adhesives May Be the Answer
Conformal coatings enhance the long-term reliability of electronic parts. When applied to circuitry on printed circuit boards they act as protection against destructive environmental conditions, that if left uncoated, could result in a complete failure of electronic systems.
The transition to LED curable conformal coatings is beginning to build momentum, beginning as a slow evolution and developing into a revolution of sorts.