LEDs (Light-Emitting Diodes) are semiconductor light sources that emit very discrete wavelengths of light energy, resulting in a single, narrow, bell-shaped emission spectrum.
Chase Corporation - Resin Designs division is pleased to announce that NEXUS UV800-FR adhesive has been certified as meeting V0 flame requirements under the UL94 standard.
LOCTITE NS 5540 is a single component, high strength, product whose low viscosity makes it easily brushable onto flanges or threads. It is suitable for sealing flanges up to 20 MPa (2900 psi).
Dymax Corporation expands its range of encapsulant materials with the introduction of Multi-Cure® 9037-F. The product cures in seconds upon exposure to UV/Visible light and has secondary heat cure for shadow areas caused by high-profile components on printed circuit boards.
Dymax Corporation, a leading manufacturer of rapid light-curing materials and equipment, introduces Low Shrink™ OP-81-LS epoxy that cures in seconds upon exposure to broad-spectrum light for fast, precise optical assembly.