


New Neutral Cure Dowsil 785N is a Breath of Fresh Air


  Dowsil has launched a neutral cure, solvent-free version of its best-selling 785 Sanitary Sealant, 785N.


Professional tradesmen always ask for Dowsil 785 because they know that it is        completely reliable and will never be the cause of a call-back. Now the new low-odour, neutral cure version offers a user-friendly sealant that is perfect for use in confined spaces without compromising on performance, appearance or gunability.  


  Dowsil 785N from Dowsil offers excellent adhesion to most non-porous surfaces making it ideally suited to sealing around baths, sinks, urinals and ceramic tile joints to give a water-resistant, hygienic seal. It is also ideally suited for application to various metallic surfaces such as aluminium, copper, brass and stainless steel, as well as on natural porous surfaces such as marble, granite and limestone making it a great all-round bathroom and kitchen sealant. Resistant to ozone, ultra-violet radiation and temperature extremes, Dowsil 785N will keep its original good looks for years after application.


  Not only does Dowsil 785N’s quality ingredients and specialist formulation ensure a tough, watertight seal, its proven fungicide resists mould and mildew growth, outperforming other sealants on the market. It conforms to ISO 846, the standard for mould resistance.


  Dowsil 785N has a fast cure and tack-free time and remains permanently flexible with lasting performance and low shrinkage. With its increased flexibility of 25LM, 785N conforms fully to ISO 11600-F&G-25LM, the international performance standard for jointing products. Dowsil 785N is available in white, clear, in 310ml cartridges.


  Dowsil 785N Sanitary Sealant is part of the top-selling 7 Series – a range with a specific sealant for every specialist job. Each sealant in the 7 Series range has been specifically formulated with a particular application in mind be it weatherproofing or sealing a wide variety of different surfaces from plastics and glass to PVC-U and aluminium.


  Over the last 50+ years DOWSIL silicone products have revolutionised the way the construction industry works. Innovative silicone technology offers professional tradesmen the very best sealant technology. DOWSIL is a wholly owned subsidiary of the DOW Chemical company and is partnered with Sherwin-Williams in the UK for the sales of its high performance silicone building products.



References: https://www.buildersmerchantsnews.co.uk/New-Neutral-Cure-Dowsil-785N-is-a-breath-of-fresh-air/49075