


Dow Solar Power Industry Solutions


Source:DOW.com / Editor:Ellsworth Adhesive


Dow helps you harness the power of the sun with advanced heat transfer fluid technology and support to meet the most challenging system, volume and delivery requirements, all over the world. We've proven it where it counts most: in many of the largest concentrated solar power (CSP) projects under the sun. Today, more than 40 CSP plants filled with DOWTHERM™ A provide enough electrical generation capacity to meet the needs of over 1 million homes at a savings of over 5 million metric tons of CO2 emissions per year.


Our total solution approach supports your project from end-to-end with…

• DOWTHERM™ A Fluid, the world's leading fluid for CSP

• In-depth technical support

• World-scale production capacity

• Fluid regeneration opportunities

• Tailored supply chain and logistics capabilities

• Total commitment to safety

• Reliability in supply


We'll help drive your CSP success by seamlessly integrating our robust capabilities with yours to achieve your project goals and create a system that delivers sustainable energy efficiently and reliably for years.


Committed to Safety and Reliability


Safety and reliability are Dow's highest priorities. We provide comprehensive on-site safety training to help protect your CSP operation and its long-term viability. And, we are committed to supporting the safe, on-time and completely successful start up of your CSP system and we have the world-scale infrastructure and track record to prove it.


Dow's production and storage capabilities, in addition to flexibility in supply, make it the world's most reliable source of heat transfer fluid for CSP. We also have more than 300 warehouses, 122 terminals and shipping sites in 200 countries worldwide to help further ensure the fluid you need is available wherever you need it.


Most important of all, we have supplied more than 40 large scale CSP plants worldwide without a safety issue or a missed deadline. We are committed to helping you start your plants safely and on time.